Fieldwork Lunch & Learn Sessions
We have a repeat event coming up this term, where you can learn about a myriad of different fieldwork experiences, tips, and tricks from undergraduate and graduate students at Queen's University!
Everyone is welcome + food is provided! Come to any (or all!) sessions that you'd like to attend - to be held on:
January 17 @ 12:30pm (Bioscience Room 3110)
February 7 @ 12:30pm (Bioscience Room 3110)
February 28 @ 12:30pm (Bioscience Room 3110)
At each session, we'll have a few presenters sharing their experiences, and then give time for any questions you might want to ask.
To kick us off on January 17, we'll be chatting about fieldwork and summer job experiences. We'll answer questions like: How do I apply to SWEP? What was it like to go through the SWEP interview process? What was it like working with a graduate student or lab for a whole summer? Are there opportunities to do summer fieldwork outside of SWEP? and more!

Intro to Backpacking Overnight Trip
Our Fall 2023 Intro to Backpacking Overnight Trip - no experience necessary. We’ll be taking a small group through the basics of backcountry camping while providing equipment, food, and transportation. The trip involves a 1-night stay at a site in Frontenac Provincial Park.

Fieldwork Panel & Mixer
QOFEI is hosting a panel event where our panelists will be sharing their field experiences with you - both the good and the bad! We have a great range of panelists from undergraduate students to graduate students to professors - all with a wide range of fieldwork experiences! Anyone is welcome to stop by.
The panel will run from 3:30-4:30pm followed by a social mixer (snacks included!) for anyone who would like to speak to any of our panelists in a more casual setting.
Location: Biosciences rm 2019 @ 3:30pm
Hope to see you there!

Beginner's Camping Trip
Are you new to camping and looking to build some outdoor skills? Join QOFEI on our Beginner’s Camping Trip at Elbow Lake this Fall!
This event will be September 17th – 18th. We will leave Saturday morning, camp in tents over night, and come back Sunday afternoon. This trip will be lead by faculty and graduate students with camping experience. Expect to learn some important camping skills, including setting up a tent, hanging food so it is safe from wildlife, fire building, cooking with camp stoves, and how to make the perfect s’more!
This trip is for anyone new to camping, no experience required!

Learn to pitch a tent with QOFEI
Come and learn how to set up the tents available through the QOFEI lending library! Set up our “challenge tent” in the fastest time to win some QOFEI swag. We will be in the Biosciences courtyard on Tuesday, April 26th from 12:00 to 4:00.

QOFEI Logo Competition!
QOFEI needs a logo! If you would like to submit a logo, please email it to us (queens.field.initiative@gmail.com) by October 1, 11:59pm. Competition rules:
Logo should be outdoor-related
Incorporate Queen’s Biology Blue somewhere in the logo (HEX #1DC4C5)